Indentured servants, also known as bondsmen and bondswomen.
the majority of the English migrants to chesapeake were indentured servants the majority of the English migrants to chesapeake were indentured servants
indentured servants
By the end of the 1600s, indentured servants were being given 25 acres of land, and their freedom. The first blacks that came to America in the 1610s were treated as indentured servants, and slavery was not decided on the basis.
The colonist recruit indentured servants because they needed the labor to begin the building of the American colony. It also helped build up the colonies population.
Some synonyms for indentured servants include apprentices, bondmen, and bonded laborers.
They used indentured servants.
Indentured servants receive FREEDOM
Colonists recruited indentured servants to provide cheap labor for their plantations and farms. Indentured servants would work for a set number of years in exchange for passage to the colonies and the promise of land or freedom at the end of their contract.
New England had indentured servants
indentured. now finish your homework! >:(
how did indentured servants come to the new world
Those who have contracted themselves to work for seven years in exchange for having their passage paid to reach America are called indentured servants. They often had to work for 7 or more years.
Indentured servants, also known as bondsmen and bondswomen.
the majority of the English migrants to chesapeake were indentured servants the majority of the English migrants to chesapeake were indentured servants
depends where they were sent to, there were more indentured servants in the north versus the south