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Type your answer here... they sleep in a room called barrak if you look in The Bible it says so.

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Q: Where did Ancient ROMAN slaves sleep?
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Some of them were, but some were slaves

Did the slaves in ancient Rome plant the food?

Yes many many roman slaves were employed in agriculture

Where did Roman slaves sleep at night?

slaves slep where ever they could weather in the masters bacement or in the barn on some hay

Who were important to roman life?

Emperors, slaves, consuls, senators this is ancient Rome

Who was the ancient roman that protected the women children and slaves?

Perhaps the Tribune of the people.

What jobs did poor ancient roman people have?

farming or sometimes they would be slaves.

What do ancient Rome slaves call their owners?

Roman Slaves would call there owner Master or Sir (Madam) . Dominus is the word for master.

Who made ancient Roman clothes?

Weavers-slaves were used a lot in this trade (sometimes illegally).

What ancient civilization most impacted the Ancient Rome empire?

Greece. From the Gods to the slaves everything Greek was in demand and shaped Roman society.

What did slaves in ancient rome want from the leaders in the roman republic?

Slaves did not want anything for the leaders of the Roman Republic. They could not demand or expect anything. They had no rights. They were someone's property. They were just purchased assets. The most they could hope for was manumission (emancipation). Roman masters often manumitted their slaves.

Is it true that Slavery had existed since the ancient Greek and Roman times?

Slavery has existed since way before the ancient Greek and Roman times. It is not known when the practice began, but every ancient society had slaves and their economies were dependent on them.

Can Roman slaves allowed to vote?

No, Roman slaves were not allowed to vote. Voting rights were primarily reserved for Roman citizens who were free men. Slaves were considered property and did not have the same legal rights as free citizens.