That would firstly depend on the type of broken screen to be repaired. If it is a mobile phone screen then the makers such as Apple or Nokia can repair your screen. If its a windscreen then an auto shop will be the place to go for repair.
You can get you screen repaired at any electronic repair shop. It may be cheaper to buy a new one however, as it is very costly to have a screen repaired.
Any Laptop's screen if cracked can be replaced with a fresh one.
the same way you sync a non cracked one.
You can get the screen on your iPod repaired at your local Apple store. You can also order a replacement screen off eBay and repair it by yourself using a guide.
No, you need to purchase a new one
Apple may replace the iPad screen if it is covered under the warranty. You can take the iPad to your local Apple store and check what your warranty covers. They will only replace the cracked screen.
One can get an Ipod Touch screen repaired in Calgary at Iphix, The Stem Support, and CPR Calgary. Other locations can be found through the Yellow Pages or Kijiji.
I traded mine at Gamestop
$100.00 for a first-generation used one with a scratched or slightly cracked screen.
The best option to repair a cracked windshield would be to go to one of two types of places. The first option would be to go to a collision repair center. Another option would be to go to a tune-up shop or car repair center.
get a new one
No. Repair is a verb, or a noun. One adjective form could be "repaired."