The phone number of the Anti-Saloon League Museum is: 267-782-8378.
One could find the phone number for The Travel Franchise in several different places. One could find the phone number for The Travel Franchise by contacting the company by phone or email.
If you forgot your phone number, there is no way you can borrow a friend's number; you will have to replace the number.
His cell phone could be broken and/or he may be getting a new number. You could try hinting at asking him for his cell phone number and see how he reacts.
You can't. You could probably write to her or join a fan club though. If you had her phone number you could call it from your phone and she would pick up or you could leave a voicemail if she wasn't available.
Without a country code prefix - it's impossible to tell where a phone number is from !
You can't get your mobile phone number back. You could take your phone into the phone store and see if they can help you.
A local phone is also considered a landline or house phone. Instead of a wireless phone, it could also be considered a phone number that is near where you live, IE a local phone number.
You could try ringing a friend and ask them to tell you what your number is, as it will be logged on their phone.
You could look it up in a phone book. If you have a mobile phone, call your mobile number from your home phone and it will be displayed. If you do not have a cell phone then call someone with a cell phone and do the same.
Yes they can. People can track your phone and get the number. If it was your home phone they could call the operator and tell them your name and get your phone number. Stalkers.
== == You tell him that you would like to talk to him and then just give him your phone number so that he could give you his.