Stick your finger in.
Cure pms, stand up peeing.
NO. You get pregnant by coming into a vage.
Wipe dry and then pull up there pants and flush. Wash hands.
No. Wikianswers is not a photo sharing website and linking to pornography is not allowed.
Stick nd wiggle ur finger in the girls vigina
the song came from the musical Rainmaker. I do not remember the writter but the cowboys were "standing on the corner, watching all the girls go by...standing on the corner, giving all the girls the eye.": Rainmaker Musical
Yes we do, but I would preferably finger my boyfriend when he has had a bad day 🍑 :)
you dig where the girls were standing and the time capsule is there.
where the girls were standing
In the playground where the girls are standing
No they don't fart they "toot" But they somtimes "toot" while peeing