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I just bought a magazine for my Sterling Arms 285 Husky .22 LR pistol from Gunclip website.

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Q: Where can you purchase a clip for a Sterling 22 LR pistol?
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Do you have a clip for an Iver Johnson pistol 22?

You can get the clip for an Iver Johnson pistol 22 on various online stores like eBay and Amazon.

Where may you get a clip for a j 22 pistol?


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Where can you buy parts for a Sterling 22 long rifle pistol?

try egunparts

Does anyone manufacture a 22 caliber magnum semiautomatic pistol?

Kel-Tec manufactures a Model PMR-30 Semi-Auto pistol chambered for a .22 Magnum cartridge (.22WMR) with a 30 round clip capacity.

Sterling arms 22 LR pistol components?

Want ad, pawn shop, gun show, gun shop, egunparts

Is the clip for a sterling 22 rifle interchanable with other rifles?

The only way to know for certain is to try. There is no chart or reference to go by.

What is estimated value of Sterling 22 lr pistol?

Sterling firearms were in business from 1978-1986 in Gassport and Lockport NY, 22LR values depending on condition and model could rane from $ 90- 150.

Where can you buy a 22 pistol?

Most local gun shops will provide one with excellent customer service and will carry the .22 pistol. If someone is more inclined to purchase this gun online budsgunshop sells a variety of .22 pistols.

Where can you purchase a used clip for a mossberg 22 magnum model 640 KD chuckster?

You dont deserve the gun or magazine if you call a magazine a clip.

Where can I purchase a ammo clip for an antique Gambles model 22 rifle made in about 1935?

check with:

What is a reliable pistol for a beginner?

A good pistol for a beginner would be a 22 cal. pistol. The ammo is cheap to purchase and this will allow you to get lots of practice without breaking the bank. A 357 Magnum is another good choice.