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Of course just go to clairs but remember if you are underage you need a parent or legal guardian.

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Q: Where can you get your ears pierced at the mall of America?
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Do you need adult permission to get your ears pierced at the cherry hill mall in America if you are a minor?

You have to be 18 to get your ears pierced without a guardian.

Are Jon Gosselin's ears pierced?

Yes. Both of Jon Gosselin's ears are pierced. Jon's brother pierced his ears when he was in high school.

Getting navel pierced is safer than getting ears pierced at a mall?

not at all. never pierce anything at a mall. you never know if the thing is infected or not. always go to a doctor. and poercing your ears is safer the navel

What store is best for 9 year old girls to get their ears pierced?

Claire's in the mall :)

Can nuns have pierced ears?

In the Catholic Church, there are no specific rules prohibiting nuns from having pierced ears. However, some religious orders may have their own guidelines regarding personal appearance, including the wearing of jewelry such as earrings. Ultimately, it would depend on the rules and traditions of the specific order that the nun belongs to.

Does Hillary Clinton have her ears pierced?

Yes she does have her ears pierced.

When did Selena Gomez get her ears pierced?

Selena Gomez got her ears pierced when she was five years old. Ear piercing is a common practice in many cultures and is typically done during childhood. The procedure involves making a small hole in the earlobe to insert an earring.

Can you get your ears pierced in the city?

Yes you can get your ears pierced in the city if you are of age.

Did mitcell musso get his ears pierced?

Yes, Mitchel has his ears pierced.

Madison Pettis ears pierced?

Madison Pettis does have her ears pierced.

How can you ask permission from your mom to get your ears pierced?

Mom, can I get my ears pierced.

Where can you get your ears pierced in Bath?

I do not have any piercings, though am considering getting my earlobes pierced. Many of my friends have pierced ears and got their ears pierced at either Jollys, Clairs, Accessorise or at a doctors surgery.I suggest if any of your friends have pierced ears that you ask them where they got them pierced.