Gun show, egunparts, garage sale, want ad, for sale ad, estate sale
This requires the services of a gunsmith.
I would first look at numrich gun parts corp.they can be found on the web.
About 45-100 dollars depending on the condition. By the way do you know where i can find out how to dissasemble the rifle
. to remove the bolt on this model you must lower the tube assembly,there is a screw under the stock, remove stock first.
Want ad, gun show, gun shop has the best collection of Iver Johnson parts
Last year I bought a Browning A-bolt 22 rifle for 300 dollars.It was new in the box.
We need to know model of rifle. the model of rifle is 93M 22 WMR its a 22 long rifle
For MOST- make sure rifle is unloaded. Open bolt, draw to the rear. Press and HOLD trigger, and slide the bolt out of the rifle.
22 shorts can be fired in a pump or bolt action rifle chambered for long rifle cartridges but not in most automatics.
Bolt action .22 LR target rifle
You might try Gun Parts Corp., or check the Ebay auctions from time to time.