you go on a website droidz (just type in droidz on google and its the first 1 is it) look for a gun name (or if you dont know about guns just look for handgun exc) save it. And open it in your pivot
Here is a Pivot animation site. Or you can go to Animator which was formerly known as DarkDemon.
You cant on droidz but you need to dounload pivot 3 (I recomend )
go on droidz its got loads of pivot files 2 download no droidz does not have a good spider man stik
i took my time trying to answer that but i could not come up with a answer sorry there is always :D - dlink2
You can't.
yes it perfectly clean
At the website: droidz. they don't have as much as droidz but i like it
you could go to