Just simply google cannabis social clubs (UK)
Medical cannabis was legalized in the UK on November 1, 2018. However, recreational cannabis remains illegal in the UK.
No, it is illegal in the UK.
The Legalise Cannabis Alliance (LCA) is now known as Clear UK - Cannabis Law Reform.See related links for more details about LCA and Clear UK.
Cannabis was made illegal in the UK in 1928 under the Dangerous Drugs Act.
Frames Online UK and Moonshine Framing are two popular locations someone in the United Kingdom can order frames by mail. Frame Co is another source to find quality frames, which you can mail order and shipped to your front door.
In the UK, Cannabis has recently been reclassified back to Class B from Class C.
Class B
cannabis resin in the UK mostly comes from Morocco in North Africa via Spain
In the UK, it is illegal to grow cannabis for recreational use without a license. However, medicinal cannabis can legally be grown under certain circumstances with a license from the Home Office.