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You can find the quick gems hair jeweler online in,, and

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Q: Where can you find the quick gems hair jeweler?
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Related questions

Where can a person purchase a Conair Quick Gems Hair Jeweler?

As this product is beginning to become discounted in favor of more updated products, the best place to purchase this would be from eBay. Individual sellers would most likely have one to sell, although you may find some on Amazon or any beauty store on the high street.

What gems do you need for tootsie pink hair on fantage?

Black gems

Where can one find quick hair weave tutorials online?

There are numerous websites and videos on quick hair weave tutorials. YouTube seems to have the most variety of free quick hair weave tutorial videos available.

Where can you find the flowers which slide in your hair?

You can get a flower hair clip (with gems-fake maybe) at the new Pinkheart in the Arbor Place Mall (Douglasville,GA 30135.)

How do you get the electric pink hair on fantage?

You get the Electric Pink Hair from gems.

How do you get the yellow painter hair on fantage?

You get the yellow painter hair from gems.

How do you get different hair in Fantage?

trade in gems and go to the hair salon in downtown

How do you get kawaii's hair on Fantage with the gems?

You have to get 3 Very Rare Gems or anything that is Very Rare. If you try, you will get it!

How do you get the blue ball gown on fantage?

You get the Blue Ball Gown from gems in Fantage. You can also go to Hall of Fame and click on Trendsetter's Items List and you can find the clothes or hair to see if it is from gems, is Limited, or is Luxury.

Which gems do you use to get the candy hair on fantage?

If you want to answer this, then say what KIND OF GEMS you use or I'll delete your answers: Answer here,,,

How do you get free clothes and hair on fantage?

You can get them by using gems together.

What is a quick hair do?

Quick hair dos:PonytailBraidBunPigtailsCurlsThats my opinion. It depends on how long YOU take :)-Fuzzy