i have ordered grips for the heritage revolver. goto www.heritagemfg.com and choose the grips you like. they are not an exact fit but they work great. i would say they fit 99%. most of the parts will interchange between the rough rider traditional and most western six .22's.
Try Old Western Scrounger.
Try Old Western Scrounger
Try gun shops and gun shows.
BLue book of gun values
Midway USA
Bear Arms of Kent, WA, once had one for sale for $72. Otherwise, there is very little info out there about Kimel revolvers (much better know for their 9mm). this designed revolver is now made under heritage mfg. some slight differences.
On an older revolver, you are not likely to find a model number, since they did not use model numbers. If you remove the grips, you should find the serial number stamped in the frame under the grips.
Try egunparts, estate sales, for sale ads, want ads, garage sales, pawn shops, on line auctions.
Try the Hogue and Pachmeyr websites
There is a display of John Wayne memorabilia, including several of the pistols he used, at the Oklahoma Cowboy Hall of Fame.
most any large gun store will have them.
how to find the value of Winchester model 94 built in 1906 by use of the serial no