Free Net10 minutes can be won through the company. These minutes can also be won by manufacturers that sell Net10 products, supplies, and minutes as well.
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One can purchase Net10 prepaid minutes online from the Net10 website, or from associated carriers such as Walmart, Amazon, and Bestbuy. One can also purchase Net10 prepaid cards in person from these associated physical stores.
Yes, Yes you can just call up tech support on a phone other than the two net10 phones, tell them you just bought a newer phone and want to transfere your number and minutes over to the new phone. After a few questions and serial/MIEI number verification your new phone will be active with your old number and possible with a bonus of more minutes and days.
There is one way for an individual to find the rates of the NET10 prepaid wireless plan. One needs to go to the NET10 official website. Then they click on the Pay As You Go link.
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I think it's something like $100 (at least from walmart it is). I have this net10 phone and I purchased it brand new off for $50 (with 300 minutes on it).
you basicly, just have to send it..and waste minutes.
Net10 phones are meant more for talking on the phone where you get a certain amount of minutes to use. Regular phones typically come with a specific plan.
The TracFone / NET10 SIM Card is very unique. It can only be used in a phone sold by TracFone or NET10. Once a phone is activated the SIM Card is tied to the Serial Number of the phone. It can not be removed and placed in a different TracFone or NET10 phone. It has to stay with the phone it was originally activated in. The units/minutes are not stored on the SIM Card they are stored in the phone itself. The TracFone / NET10 SIM Card can not be used in any other GSM technology phone. TracFone and NET10 both have an elaborate database of all the phones they have ever sold in it. You can not activate a phone unless the Serial Number is in their database. If you purchase a phone that has not been properly scanned by a retailer you will not be able to activate it.=You can not change the SIM Card and activate a TracFone on the NET10 website and you can not change the SIM Card and activate a NET10 phone on the TracFone website. If you try you will be directed to the proper website for activation.==There are three types of SIM cards currently being used by TracFone and NET10 depending on the Zip Code you will be using the phone in the most. SIM cards with a part number ending in C4 are on the AT&T/Cingular network, cards ending in T5 are on the T-Mobile network and cards ending in D6 are on the Dobson network which was recently acquired by AT&T.==You do not have to buy a SIM Card for a TracFone or a NET10 phone. A replacement SIM Card will be sent to you FREE of charge if you request one. You can call TracFone Customer Service at 1-800-867-7183 or NET10 Customer Service at 1-877-836-2368 . When you call press 1 for English, press 4 when the first menu starts then press 5 when the second menu starts to talk to a Customer Service Representative. The replacement SIM Card will be shipped to you by Express Delivery.==Do not be fooled by eBay sellers claiming their TracFone / NET10 SIM Card includes 10 to 20 units/minutes. A TracFone / NET10 SIM Card does not include any units/minutes. A new or reconditioned TracFone or NET10 phone comes with Starter units/minutes when activated. This is done by the Serial Number of the new or reconditioned phone. It has nothing to do with the SIM Card.==Note: A TracFone SIM Card is used in both a TracFone and a NET10 phone. NET10 is considered to be the Frequent User Division of TracFone.=
100 bonus minuites promo code 5595 have used this code twice with the $30/300 minute card. promo code 55955 Add the code when it asks if you have a promo yes and type in 55955 I get 100 Free Minutes every time! I do not know if this works with the other cards $60 etc other are not as good but here they are..... 58242 - 15 free minutes 58226 - 20 free minutes
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