Inflatable Santas can be difficult to find outside the holiday season. During the holidays most large department stores will carry some form of inflatable Santa. Amazon, eBay and Planet Christmas are all very good sources the rest of the year.
i need a 12V 55VA Adapter for my Christmas Tree where can i get one and quickly
There are a lot of ideas on inflatable Christmas lawn decorations at Inflatible Season. There are good prices on each unique outdoors display. There is a funny one about an elf flatten by Santa, seven feet tall for $99.99!
You should check your local yellow pages for places that will rent inflatable decorations for Christmas. I couldn't find a location for the type of decoration you need but it doesn't mean they are not around. Check with your neighbors as well, they might have some great ideas.
I had a 1994, and the cans you buy in the store will not fit it, and most small shops don't have the adapter. So you can either find a shop that has the adapter, which I was told will cost extra, or try to find a auto parts store that sales the adapter.
Someone can find inflatable water slides for the summer time for sale from a number of companies such as Amazon. Amazon has a large selection of inflatable water slides for sale.
To get the right replacement AC adapter for you fiber optic Christmas tree you should contact the company that makes the tree. There should be a information sticker attached to the base that will contain the phone number needed and the model number of the tree.
There are many websites that offer cheap inflatable Christmas yard decorations. One good site found is, they offer free shipping on all items and the prices seem to be reasonably priced. Another site is, you can always find good prices, but it might take a little more searching for your exact item on this site. Last, but not least, is, ebay offers many products at great prices and you can either bid on items or buy it now, depending on the sellers. I would recommend any of these sites for your inflatable chritmas yard decorations.
There are a host of different places where USB AC adapter are available and can be purchased online. It's always good to have an extra USB AC adapter. Electronic special stores like Radio Shack are also a good place to find the right charger for you.
Christmas air blown inflatable figurines are commonly found at Christmas novelty shops in local malls and outlet chains. You can also purchase these items from several different online retailers.
Use a universal adapter.
No sir or ma'am. I cannot seem to find a company that make these. Hopefully you can find some other great inflatable for your son. I wish you the best of luck.