The link below will take you to an exploded view of a Swiss Schmidt-Rubin 1911 rifle- earlier bersion of the K-31, and similar. You can also try egunparts.
Contact the maker.
Go to and click on "Download a manual" you will find you rifle there. It will give you an exploded view of the rifle.
Go to and click on "Download a manual" you will find you rifle there. It will give you an exploded view of the rifle.
Send me your email & I'll send you a scan of the manual & exploded view.
You can find an exploded view of the 1996 Mazda Millenia 2.5 liter engine at most Mazda dealerships. You can also find the exploded view in most Mazda service manuals.
You can find an exploded view of the Ford 9" LSD Differential here.
You can find the 1999 Ford F1 50 front differential exploded view diagram at most Ford dealerships. You can also find the exploded view diagram in Ford service manuals.
I just went to the dealer and got them to print the exploded view of the Mazda 4 cylinder engine.
You can find an exploded view for a TH350 transmission in transmission service manuals. The transmission service manuals can be obtained from most local libraries.
Click on this link