It's very hard nowadays to find caps in your local grocery store or dollar store. You can find them on cap gun websites and Amazon but they're usually overpriced and charge excessive prices for shipping.
on Amazon
Its in the revolver you put the caps in it.
Usually cap guns use ring or rolled caps. Check out websites online or hobby stores.
It is possible, but, very expensive and time consuming.
Snap caps are by the size of the shell, not the make of the gun.
well there r many places where u can get a good cap gun for egsample:online:amazon, eBay sometimes, the granville stores in woodville. well that's where i got my cap guns and caps from.
CapGuns.Org has all the ring caps possible for the best price.
In the brickworks market
They don't all have vent caps.
Many dollar stores carry cap guns and caps, but the best place to find them is online. One site that clearly had a good selection was
You can buy the gun at
"Cat Peeler" comes from "Cap Peeler," as in a person who "peels caps." To "peel a cap" means to shoot a gun, to peel the casing off the bullet when you fire, i think.