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internet, gun show, gun shop, Blue Book of Gun Values, Standard Dictionary of Firearms

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Q: Where can you find a price on a used pump shotgun?
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How do you find info on a pump shotgun made by Mohawk gun co?

Trade name used by Remignton. Try the Remington Society of America.

What is the price for a stock on the Nitro Hunter shotgun?

Nitro Hunter was a trade name used by Crescent firearms, who closed down decades ago. You may find a used stock with a lot of luck, no set price.

What is the value of 12 gauge Remington 870 Express Magnum shotgun?

The average price of a Remington 870 Express Magnum pump 12 gauge shotgun "brand new" is about 300-450 dollars. I got mine used for $250

What is the used price on Mossberg 183KB bolt action 410ga shotgun?

Around $150 if its used.

Used shotgun prices?

I have a 12 ga. eastfield model 916. What is the price for this.

What is the price of a used browning light 12 shotgun?

50-250 usd

What is the value of a Revelation 410 pump shotgun?

Go to the sporting goods section at WalMart and find the least expensive 410 pump. Figure that your used gun is worth 2/3 to 3/4 as much as a new one.

What is the value of a Benalli Nova gauge shotgun?

I have a benalli Nova pump shotgun black I paid 400.00 used in good condition had scratch on the barrel

What is used value of mossberg 500e 410 bore pump shotgun?

I bought a used 500e about a year ago from an established gun shop for $150.00. The condition of this shotgun is excellent inside and out.

What is the used price for a Huglu Mallard Over under 12 gauge shotgun?


How can you find what your used shotgun is worth?

You can find what your used shotgun is worth by taking it and having it appraised at your local pawn shop. You can also have it appraised at a gun dealer shop.

What is a Montgomery Ward Stevens Model 520 pump shotgun worth?

Check the price of a new pump of similar quality and the same gauge in any sporting goods store and figure your used gun is worth from 1/2 to 3/4 as much. Most catalog store pump shotguns will bring from $75 to $150 at an auction.