You can find out them online. I know a website which provides virous kinds of wii controllers.
You can probly buy them at kmart or target for at least $49.99. Don't worry I need it too. -the needed wii controller owner. (i got my wii for christmas)
No. The Wii U controller will only be compatible with the Wii U.
It plugs into the end of the wii mote.
No, you can use the GameCube controller,wii nunchuck(with remote),and wii classic controller(with remote).
It depends on which remote you are refering to. The Wii Motion Plus controller and the classic Wii Remote will work on the Wii and Wii U. The Wii U gamepad will not work on the original Wii.
The Wii Remote Controller (aka Wiimote) is the main controller of the Wii system. This controller, however, has many accesories like the Nunchuk (which is most commonly used), the Wii Zapper and the Wii-Wheel that make the Wiimote feel like an entirelly different controller. The Wii also has the Classic Controller, which is used in some Wii titles and Virtual Console titles. And the Wii is also compatible with the Nintendo Game Cube Controller.
open the bak of the controller (where the batteries go) and find the little red button. go to the wii & open the little cover at the front (where a sd card goes and find red button hold them both down simultaneously and wa-lah!! ;D
The Wii Classic Controller is sold for $19.99. It must be plugged into the Wii Remote to work. There is also a Wii Classic Controller Pro that is sometimes sold for more. You can find cheaper prices by buying used controllers from stores such as GameStop. You can buy the original Wii Remote for anywhere between $10-20.
About $60. The total cost for the Wii U and its controller is $180.
Yes, it is compatible with the Classic Controller.
As for another Wii remote, no. Another classic Wii controller, no. Gamecube controller, no.
Yes but I advise you get the other controller for the wii, the one that looks like a xbox or playstation controller