IF your shotgun is the Smith & Wesson Eastfield 916, it has been out of production for some time. SOME (not all) parts are available from Numrich- see their website at gunpartscorp. You can also check with local gunsmiths, gun shows, etc.
I have a fairly complete selection of parts for this model. repair@countrygunsmith.net
You can purchase parts for a Ranger model 30 16 gauge shotgun at these locations. Gunbroker, Topgunsupply, Budsgunshop, Gunpartshop and Midwayusa.
Numrich gun parts
Try your local gunsmith. The Riverside is a Stevens shotgun. If you can find out which model it is, you can probably find the wood at Numrich Gunparts
Try e-gunparts.com
Yellow pages category = GUNSMITHS.
That should be a Savage/Springfield Model 18. If you can't find parts from a local gunsmith, try http://www.e-gunparts.com i have a sears roebuck bolt action .410 shotgun model 110.1120 3''. i need the shell ejector piece. to get a clip for a shotgun try marlinguns.com.
Where can you find parts for your Charles daily shotgun
A FEW parts are available from gunpartscorp website.
Depending on which parts, they may need to be made.
numrich gun parts Follow the Related Link at the right