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Mimi Gifts at Colfax and Grant used to have them, back in the late 80's. The House of Imports on 15th Street downtown also used to have them. Both of these places are now closed. Why do I mention them? Because both were run by families from the Far East who were recent immigrants, the point being that most switchblades in the United States, often even the ones marked "Italy," are manufactured in China or Korea, and recent immigrants often do not know the local laws. (And yes, switchblades ARE illegal throughout Colorado, and penalties may range from a small fine up to six mos in jail. Be warned.) Wedgle's Pawn Shop at 13th and Broadway USED TO have several, and the pawn shop near The Red Garter on 15th Street has one at a ridiculous price, as does one antique shop at 38th and Tennyson. For antique switchblades, I have seen a few in the antique shops on S. Broadway. But, by far the best place to acquire a s/b in Denver is at the Crossroads of the West or Tanner Gun Shows. Hope this helps, and please don't blame me if you end up doing time. I'll say it again: Switchblades ARE ILLEGAL in Colorado. DON'T carry them concealed.

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Bradley Cook

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3y ago
Since I made the above post, Colorado law has now changed, and switchblades ARE LEGAL under state law. However, many municipalities, including Denver, Colorado Springs, and Lakewood still prohibit them.

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Q: Where can you buy switchblade pocket knives in denver co?
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It is illegal to sell a switchblade in Delaware, even if you are licensed to sell deadly weapons. Furthermore it is illegal to own or carry a switchblade in Delaware. the closest thing would be a spring assisted open knife. check out Kershaw Knives.

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Butterfly knives are considered a switchblade under Texas law. A switchblade is a prohibited weapon, meaning that they are illegal to possess. Even if a company will mail you the knife, you can be prosecuted if you are caught with it.

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You can by a pocket knife at the age of 18.

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One might want to start his/her search at a local sporting goods store to check for cases for pocket knives. Stores such as Walmart, Kmart, Bass Pro Shops etc. might be some good first stops.

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You can't buy one of those knives as they were made exclusivly buy the props dept for the movie. There were several made, each doing a different job.

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There is no age a 1 year old can go buy a pocket knife. But it cant be a switchblade or spring opening knife though. I had the same question, so I went to the Poliece station in NC (I was on vacation) And their laws are similar. You can Carry a knife if you are under 18 but, it can't be spring operated in any way, As for swith blades ( Knifes that fold) They are legal as long as they arn't spring operated. You have to be 18 to buy Knifes. Machetes are considered swords and are therefor illegal. To find out local laws on Knives, Guns, etc: go to your local Wal-Mart, they sell knives but their policy is 18+ to purchase, but you may ask the person at the counter the local laws and he will be happy to give them to you.

In what states can you legally buy automatic knives?

Automatic, Butterfly, Out the front, spring-assisted and such knives are legal to purchase in 8 states. Some include Oregon, Arizona, Texas. In California, for an automatic to be legal, it has to be less than 3 inches total length (including handle). In Oregon, you can buy and sell automatic and Out-the-front knives, and you can carry them, but they cannot be concealed. Clipping them to your pocket is considered concealed.

How old do you have to be to have a pocket knife in your house?

It would depend on where you live. Laws regarding these things are usually by State or City. If you are 18 or over, though possibly you may not be allowed to buy one at all. Swiss Army knives, also known as pen knives, are part of the required uniform for Brownies and Cub Scouts. The minimum joining age is 7 and you buy your uniform from the Guide or Scout shop. They are extremely practical for outdoor hiking and camping as they include knives, bottle openers, scissors & a tool for getting stones out of horses' hooves.

Do you have to be 18 to buy a pocket knife?

Yes, you have to be 18 to buy a pocket knife

Where can I buy cheese knives in Denver,Colorado?

If you can't find them at your local Kmart, Sears, Target or Walmart then try a specialty cookware shop like Brothers Cutlery & Food. They can be reached at (303)320-6292.