Schleich halters have small rings called jumprings on them. They are quite cheap at all craft stores and stores such as B&Q and the range. They are available in gold and silver and other colours. If you cannot find any, wrap thin garden wire into hoops.
No breyerfest is only for breyers
To buy wholesale from Schleich you must be a registered reseller. Schleich also has other restrictions you will find our when you register.
One can find Schleich horses for sale easily online at the Schleich Toy Store website. There are also sellers on Ebay and other online stores. If one wishes to buy them at brick and mortar stores, Toys R' Us carries them as well as Target, Walmart, and many other retailers.
You can buy emerald rings.
You don't have to be a certain age to buy nipple rings. Where ever they are sold, you can buy them.
At Best Buy.
Small-sized black tungsten rings can be purchased from online jewelry retailers, specialty jewelry stores, or through custom jewelry designers. It may be beneficial to specify the ring size needed to ensure a proper fit.
u can buy silly rings at Walmart on eBay at office max almost anywhere u can buy silly bandz
You can buy toe rings and use them , they look real to . (:
You can buy split rings anywhere in Canada as they are really popular - well most places xx
One can buy filigree rings from the Antique Jewelry Mall. This website specialises in filigree rings intended for someone's engagement or other special events.