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you could go to sains burys and buy one there they sell 600 and over!!

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Q: Where can you buy red noses?
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What are red noses?

every 15th of march, children in schools wear red noses.

What shops are selling red noses today?

You can buy red noses, for Red Nose Day, from Sainsbury's supermarkets. Sainsbury sells merchandise on behalf of the charity. Incidentally, since the charity started in the 1980s, Comic Relief has raised over £600 million!

Why are red noses red?

Because you have a cold.

Were can you get red noses?


What are the noses called comic relif?

The comedic relief noses in comics are often referred to as "clown noses." These noses are exaggerated in size and shape to emphasize humor and add a comical element to the characters or scenes.

Are chocolate labs noses considered red?

No, chocolate lab's noses are not typically considered red. Chocolate labs usually have brown noses, while black or yellow labs have black noses. However, when their genetics are mixed it can result in different color noses.

Where can you get a red nose?

Planning a holiday party or simply feel like dressing up as Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer? Red noses are the thing to get, then! You shall be able to find a wind range of red noses at simple stores, like Dollarama or Dollarstore. Even Wal-mart or Zeller's may be able to help you get your precious noses! Whatever the occasion may be, red noses bring a comedic touch to you and/or your guests! Addison D. Creeble

What does Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer and Judy Garland have in common?

they both have big, red noses!

Why is a Roman Emperor like a reindeer?

They both have shiny red noses.

How does a red panda hunt for its food?

they use there noses then eat it stupid

What is the common color for clown noses?

The most common color for clown noses is red. Although many other color noses are available, and sometimes used, the red clown nose used by many circus clowns has become cemented in popular culture as an essential part of a clown's costume.

Why do clowns wear red noses?

cause its funny to kids and maybe to adults