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buy the milk, drink it, then use the carton!!!

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Q: Where can you buy milk cartons for a project you are doing?
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Where can you buy mini cartons of milk?

Mini-cartons of milk, or milk sold in individual cartons ranging from 8 to 16 fluid ounces, are typically sold in both large grocery stores and in small convenience stores such as 7-11. They can also be found in most other places where convenience food are sold, such as fast food restaurants, entertainment or sports event concession stands, gas stations and drug stores.

Where can you buy egg cartons?

A grocery store.......and buy eggs.....?

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How do you get milk in Pandanda?

If your doing a quest and in need of milk just go to Farmer Ned in the Harvest Grove. To get the milk, click on him, and click buy, then Buy it, and once you have bought it, it will be an ingredient achieved.

What is the password to get into Trix world?

First buy a package of trix yogurt from a groceries store then look under the lid and enter it at and then there are 3 channels to watch, i am buying cartons of chocolate milk,

Can a 6 week old Staffordshire bull terrier drink normal whole milk or does it have to be goats milk?

It can drink normal milk. Um no actually... I consulted a vet on this one and a staffie breeder... normal cows milk can incourage worms, i was told to buy cartons of puppy milk.. they sell them in most super markets i used to get mine from Morrisons. I wouldn't give it goats milk either, just to be on the safe side.

Where can you buy egg whites?

You can buy egg whites at most grocery stores, usually in cartons or containers in the refrigerated section.

Where do you buy dolphin milk?

You can not buy dolphin milk.

An art school buys 8 jars per carton. What is the least number of cartons they could buy to have 66 jars of paint?

An art school buys 8 jars per carton. What is the least number of cartons they could buy to have 66 jars of paint?

What did the gallon milk jug look like in America before the plastic jug came along?

Milke primarily came in glass quart jars. Often times, milk was delivered house to house by the milk man. The glass quart jars delivered to home, were before the cardboard cartons, sealed with wax, which came in only half gallons. Years and years...and still more more years, milk came in cardboard / wax cartons. The "gallon" of milk in a plastic jug came into existence after the era of cardboard/wax cartons. The Milkman still delivered to the home but glass hasn't been used for milk since....well, I'm 55 years old, I cannot remember it being widely used since I was a small child. You can still to this day buy milk in a glass jar or jug if you search for it...but cardboard cartons coated in wax were the long time norm prior to the "gallon" in the plastic jug. It was a big deal when you could purchase an entire GALLON of milk, I remember it vividly. Milk went from glass jars to cardboard with wax coating to seal them, to the plastic gallon jugs we know today. Prior to glass jars...well, we could go way back but I think the qustion has been thoroughly addressed...smiles.

Is chocolate milk good for you after a work out?

Yes, it can be. It's better to drink normal milk, but most people don't like to drink plain milk and chocolate sauce isn't adding enough crap to make up for the benefits of the milk. My coach has us drink chocolate milk, even if we drink normal mill fine. Just don't drink it DURING training, wait until afterwards.