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Q: Where can you buy magnesium ribbon?
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Related questions

Is magnesium metal and magnesium ribbon the same?

Yes, magnesium metal and magnesium ribbon are essentially the same. Magnesium ribbon is simply a thin strip or ribbon of pure magnesium metal.

Is magnesium ribbon a compound?

No. Magnesium ribbon is nearly pure magnesium, which is an element.

Color of magnesium ribbon?

Magnesium ribbon is silver colored.

What is the chemical composition of magnesium ribbon?

Magnesium ribbon is composed of pure elemental magnesium, which has the chemical symbol Mg. It is a thin strip of solid magnesium metal that is used in chemical reactions and demonstrations.

What is the word equation for burning magnesium ribbon?

magnesium + oxygen gas ----D magnesium oxide

What does magnesium ribbon leave after burning?

When magnesium ribbon burns, it produces a bright white light and forms magnesium oxide as a white powder residue.

Does Magnesium Ribbon evaporate?

Magnesium ribbon does not evaporate in the traditional sense. When heated to high temperatures, magnesium undergoes a chemical reaction known as oxidation, where it combines with oxygen from the air to form magnesium oxide. This process is not considered evaporation.

Is magnesium ribbon a mixture or a compound?

Magnesium chloride (MgCl)2 is a chemical compound.

What is the end product of ignition of magnesium ribbon?

Magnesium oxide

Formula of magnesium ribbon?

The formula of magnesium ribbon is Mg. This means each magnesium ribbon is composed of magnesium atoms bonded together.

What is the formula of Magnessium ribbon?

The formula of magnesium ribbon is simply Mg, representing a single magnesium atom.

What happen to nitric acid after magnesium ribbon was placed?

When magnesium ribbon is placed in nitric acid, a chemical reaction occurs where magnesium reacts with the nitric acid to form magnesium nitrate, water, and nitric oxide gas. The magnesium ribbon dissolves and bubbles form as the gas is produced.