Try egunparts, Brownell's, MidWay USA, Shotgun News, garage sales, for sale ads, place a want ad, gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, estate sales.
You can try checking with gun shops, firearm accessory stores, or online marketplaces such as GunBroker or MidwayUSA. Additionally, Erma Werke M1-22 magazines may be available through specialty gun part dealers or through direct contact with firearm manufacturers or distributors.
Gun shop, gun show, pawn shop, want ads, for sale ads, garage sales, on line auctions, estate sales, etc..
This model was made for Iver Johnson by ERMA Werke in Germany and imported from 1988-1990. I know of no source for that magazine, however, we can MAKE one if given the proper dimensions.
You can buy health magazines from amazon, and other websites that offer it. If you google for health magazines a whole bunch of magazines will appear, and give you a full listing of where you can buy them.
You can often buy magazines in some stores or in a newsstand. TODO: Improve answer.
No, you do not need a gun license to buy magazines.
at cvs
You buy them from Disney
On line auctions, gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops.
They're 5 reasons why people buy Magazines it is known as the Usage and Gratification Theory, It states that we buy magazines for at least one of these reasons:To Be EntertainedTo Be InformedTo Use as a topic for social purposesTo Escape the our our livesTo Relate to our own lives