No, you absolutely cannot chew Extenze pills. These pills are currently only made to be swallowed with liquid in whole.
at the supermarket...
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No it appears that Extenze is a generic drug. Therefore there is no generic for it.
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You have to be at least 18 years old to purchase ExtenZe, as it is a male enhancement product that is intended for adult use only.
Liquid protein or protein shots can be found at most nutrition stores. Grocery stores and pharmacies also carry protein shots.
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There are no shots in a meter. A meter is a unit of measurement for length, not volume. Shots are typically used to measure liquid volume in the context of drinks.
Yes, absolutely. I took two extenze while on double my daily adderal amount. No problems.
Since Extenze is a useless, harmless placebo, you can mix it with anything you want, and nothing bad will happen.