Numrich gun parts carries them. However, they are currently out of stock. Just keep checking or call them to see when they will be available again.
In order to answer your question properly I would need to know if the rifle in question is a carbine(20in barrel),trappers carbine(12,14,15,16,18in barrel)Musket(30in barrel,2 barrel bands full length stock) or a regular production rifle(24in barrel).I would also need to know the caliber of the rifle,and if it is a take down model?If you can provide these answers I could accurately describe the value of your rifle.
1994 WINCHESTER MODEL 94 CENTENNIAL 30-30 cal. STANDARD GRADE 12000 mfg. $700 * Engraved blue receiver, 20" half-round, half-octagon barrel LIMITED EDITION 1200 mfg. $1500 * Hand engraved blue receiver w/ gold inlay, tang sight, 20" half-round, half-octagon barrel CUSTOM GRADE 94 mfg. $10500 Hand engraved silver receiver and barrel bands, tang sight, 20" half-round, half-octagon barrel
A Winchester model 1873 value could be considerable.Your rifle which was made in the year 1883 is considered a third model will be valued at between 750-1,000 dollars for a below average rifle,if it is a average model then between 1,000-1,600 dollars,and a above average will bring between 1,650-2,300 dollars.These values reflect your rifle having between 10%-40% of its original finish.If your rifle has a 20in.barrel and 2 barrel bands then the price range is between 1,200-3,000 dollars.I would seriously consider having a member of the Winchester collectors assoc.evaluate your rifle for a more accurate value.
You will need to include the model number if it can be viewed on the side lock,if not plese describe the barrel lenght,how many bands around the barrel,and caliber by measuring the bore to help identify your old military musket,flintlock.
Yes..u can Justin bieber had a consert there and he but some silly bands there so yes.
A barrel clamp is a device used to secure a barrel to a structure or another object. It typically consists of bands or clamps that can be tightened around the barrel to hold it in place. Barrel clamps are commonly used in industrial settings for transporting or storing barrels.
Model 1863 Rifle Musket, Type I, manufactured at the US Springfield Armory. !863 is both the model designation and the year of manufacture. A total of 273,265 were made. If it has not been altered, it is a .58 caliber, single shot muzzleloader with a 40" round barrel and three barrel bands.
A barrel maker is a person that has a skill for making wooden barrels. Another name for a barrel maker is a cooper.
Jewellery, pipes, screws, instruments: brass bands. tubas, flutes, ectect.
I will give you a price range for the standard rifle with a barrel length of 24in.octagon or round,blued receiver,cresent buttplate, forend cap,tube magazine.This version ranges in price from a minimum of 475 dollars-2,000 dollars,based on the rifle having between 10%-70% of its original finish remaining and a good bore.You may add 25% to these figures if you have a takedown model.There is also a deluxe version distinguished by a checkered fancy pistol grip stock,and the saddle ring carbine model with a 20in round barrel,2 barrel bands,and a saddle ring attached to the side of the receiver.the deluxe rifle value is between 1,750-9,250 dollars based on the above level of finish remaining,and the carbine model is 700-2,550 dollars.
!@ 122,169 rifles and carbines made in 1968. Medallion in stock. Nickel plated butt, barrel bands and forend cap.RIFLE had a 26 inch hvy bbl\CARBINE came with a 20" heavy octagon barrel50-500 USD depending on condition.
hoop (One of six to eight metal bands that hold the wooden staves together.)