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Baby pepper plants are called starter plants. You can buy pepper starter plants at your local hardware stores or from on-line garden websites.

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Q: Where can you buy baby pepper plants?
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How are black pepper plants economically important?

As black pepper is both a consumer product (you buy it to fill your pepper shaker) and an industrial product (you buy it to make packaged food which you will then sell), and there is a good yet essentially stable demand for black pepper, the plants which grow the product are a small yet beneficial part of our economy.

Where can you find moruga scorpion live plants to buy in California?

buyghostpepperpants dot com has moruga scorpion plants. they have a bunch of ghost pepper plants too

What color are pepper plants?

Pepper plants can be red, green, sometimes orange

What pepper plant do I buy to get pepperoncinis?

The pepperoncini is a variety of pepper plant. If that is what you want, that is what you want to ask for . They are also called Tuscan peppers. There are several web sites that sell such plants and seeds.

Is a pepper a dairy product?

No, pepper is made from the ground seeds of plants. Pepper is a vegetable product.

Who can buy your chili pepper?

Right now i don't have any chilli pepper if i will have, any one can buy it from me

Do pepper plants need sunlight?


Where can you buy mace in the US?

You can buy mace or pepper spray on the internet or at a gun shop. If you live in NY, you can buy pepper spray from a licensed pharmacist.

Will cayenne pepper hurt plants?

No, not if you put it on it. Make sure that it doesn't get into its water supply. Then your plant will die. If you are trying to get squirrels away from your plant, its best to put cayenne pepper in front of your plants or a little on your plants. Remember, it does rain.

Lucy has 40 bean plants 32 tomato plants and 16 pepper plants?

Lucy has 40 bean plants 32 tomato plants and 16 pepper plants. She wants to put the plants in rows with only one type of plant in each row. All rows will have the same numbers of Plants How many plants can lucy put in each row

How do people manufacture sweet pepper?

It's not manufactured. Gardeners grow them in their greenhouses on pepper plants.

Can you plant a pepper in the winter?

Pepper plants can only be planted when there is no chance of freezing weather or frost.