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gun shop, gun show, pawn shop, for sale ad.

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Q: Where can you buy a smith and Wesson model 422?
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I would start my search at Smith and Wesson first.

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Try CDNN, Samco, SOG, etc.

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You buy a book that has the serial numbers in it.

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You will need to buy or find a copy of the Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson.

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Try gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, estate sales, garage sales, for sale ads.

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Mossberg 1000 barrels will fit the Smith & Wesson 1000 Super 12 only !!

Where can you look up smith and Wesson serial s at?

You will have to buy a book.

When was the Smith Wesson Model 39-2 with serial A230390 made?

1973-74. Supica and Nahaus' Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson is worth it's weight in gold (and it is very heavy) to anyone who thinks they may ever buy a S&W. also have serial numbers...

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Call S&W and they will tell you. Buy the Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, 3rd ed by Supica and Nahas and look it up.

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suggest you buy a copy of the 'blue book' on gun prices (book store) and look up the model 60

Where can I buy a Smith and Wesson model 10-8?

Gun shop, gun shows, pawn shops, on line auctions, want ad, for sale ad, estate sale, garage sale, etc..