Depending on your country, the easiest way to aquire one would be to contact your local post-office and have them put you in contact with an authorized provider. In case of the US, the USPS (and several others) lists all five US authorized providers on their webpage and can help you get in touch with them.
a metered postcard is a postcard that already has the stamp made into the the postcard. there is no need to put an adhesive stamp on it.
You can purchase a plain postcard at your nearest drug store such as CVS or Walgreen's.
There are mutliple postcard printing softwares, these include: the postcard printing service on Xerox, another is the Postcard Software sold by Capscan, a free trial for the Capscan software is available.
You buy a special stamp ( I did this last summer) and you need 4 for each postcard. The postcard took so long to get here I thought that the stamps were taken off and resold ( they sometimes do this). It would be faster to buy the card and carry it home to someone. The cost was less than a ruble.
Probably 50 cents for the postcard and another 37 cents for the postage ... 87 cents plus tax ... so, probably a dollar or more.
Look at the view. Buy souvenirs. Send a postcard. If insanely rich, eat.
Look at the view. Buy souvenirs. Send a postcard. If insanely rich, eat.
Postcard is a noun.
Metered water means that the amount of water used is measured ie metered by local utilities In other words, when your water is metered, you pay for what you consume. This water is commonly measured in meters, gallons or feet. Metering has become very popular for financial savings and conservation measures.
postcard are still used widely. Postcards take a long time to reach.
Sending Postcards with the USPSWhat Is a Postcard?A postcard is a rectangular mailer sent without an envelope.Sending a postcard is an extremely affordable way to communicate when you're using the U.S. Postal Service-regular postcards cost only $0.33 to mail!