The Unique has been out of production for some time. I did check my usual on-line parts sources with no luck. Your best bet will be to check gun shops, on-line gun auction sites, and gun shows. Sorry
gunpartscorp has pins for the pocket model, but not the self loader model. See their website.
Gun shop, gun shows,
Try Also, do a google search.
The Kimel firearms company is out of business, so your best bet is online. Either or try Numrich Arms.
You have to buy the magizine, and it will have a code in it... Add me!: fatscruffyfurball
An internet search engine, with the make and model of your pistol will bring up a whole slew of folks, eager to sell you gun leather.
Savage model 62, 22 long rifle-10 rnd capicity magizine, available online for about $20.00 including shipping.
Try gun shops, gun shows, internet, want ads.
I don't think that you can buy baretta in India or any foreign gun .... I think Indians are allowed to buy pistols and revolvers from INDIAN ORDENANCE FACTORY... and its quite costly
9mm Makarov is the caliber of the pistol. To answer your question, we need the make and model of tthe pistol. There are some pistols that do not have a hi cap mag, and not all mags work in all pistols.