Here is a link to Gerhard Finkenbeiners, they specialize in making glass armonicas. =)
I hope this helps
Benjamin Franklin invented the glass armonica.
he invented it in 1778
An armonica is a musical instrument made of blown-glass bowls mounted on a spindle turned originally by a foot pedal and played with wetted fingers, producing an ethereal sound.
SEX is when a women and man combine, like when a man sticks his penis into a women's butt.
The glass armonica (also known as the glass harmonica) was invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1761. See
He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'armonica'.
There is some debate as to what Benjamin Franklin's favorite invention was. However, some believe that he favored his glass harmonica.
He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, and the glass 'armonica'.
i think because he loved music so that is why he invented it .....maybe once again i am not sure
The glass armonica, a musical instrument invented by Benjamin Franklin, is mostly a curiosity today and is not widely played. I believe some music was written for it. It is based on the concept of generating a tone by moving a damp material around the rim of a glass. The ubiquitous harmonica continues to be a popular instrument that can be surprisingly beautiful and effective in the hands of a virtuoso.
The vibrations produced from the glasses in the armonica resonate sounds with different frequencies, and thus, musical tones are created. In Franklin's time, soda-lime glass (containing sodium) or lead glass was predominantly used. However, later experimentation has found that pure quartz (crystal) produces far superior sound quality, pitch, and tone. When a moistened finger is held to the rim of the glass as it rotates, a pure and constant musical note is produced. This pitch cannot be altered unless one adds water to the glass, or decreases the size of the glass. Therefore, wine glasses of varying sizes are arranged on the harmonica in order to allow a musician to create melodies on the instrument. Glass Harmonica: Note the varying sizes of the glasses used Franklin's glass armonica included two to three octaves of the musical scale, allowing a composer greater personal expression in his or her pieces. Immediately after Franklin's invention the preeminent composers of the day, which included Mozart and Beethoven, seized the opportunity by incorporating the glass armonica into many of their most renowned works
Ben Franklin invented the Lighting Rod,Bifocals,Frankiln Stove,Carriage Odometer and the Glass Armonica.