check cabelas that's where i found a spare clip for my rifle
Magazine fed, not clip. And it's .22 Long Rifle.
Take the rifle to a gun shop so they can figure out what make, model and caliber rifle you have. There is no 84 caliber long rifle.
We need to know model of rifle. the model of rifle is 93M 22 WMR its a 22 long rifle $17 + $7 flat rate shipping
50-100 USD. 50-100 years old
Nope. And you will need the MAKE of the rifle as well as model. Check with a gunsmith or gun shop.
Try Numrich Gun Parts Corp.They may be found on the web.
good german rifle, shoots 22 long, short and long rifle, extremely accurate. 5 round clip, bolt action , adjustable trigger match grade accuracy
whater some one will pay for it