If you live in the UK, you can buy it through the related link.
Majicontrast works better than what I'm about to suggest, but like me, you might not be able to buy it from the United Kingdom. Instead, if you live near any Sally's store, you can buy something called 'Loreal Hi Color Highlights' in red. It works just the same, no bleaching involved. You also have to buy either 30 or 40 volume developer, but I would suggest 30.
Rouge is red wine. Spanish for "red" is "rojo". Rojo-----rouge.
"Rouge" in French means "red" in English.
In English, "rouge" translates to "red."
'je vais acheter le rouge' means "I'm going to buy the red (one)" in English.
Red is called "rouge" in French.
The word for red in French is "rouge."
Rouge is the word in french for red.
Rouge is typically a deep red color.
moulin rouge is "red mill" in English. the moulin rouge is a big red windmill thus the name moulin rouge
Rouge is french for red.
rouge in english is red