You will not be able to find these anywhere. The entire line of Brawny products, from their DuraFresh Sponges to the Smallwares and Wipes, have been discontinued back in January 2008. The licensing rights between Evercare and Georgia Pacific was cancelled, resulting in the items becoming unavailable. If you do happen to find any, whether online or in a local grocery store, purchase them right away. You never know when you will have that opportunity again.
That man is brawny.
The name of the Brawny paper towel man is "The Brawny Man." He is the iconic mascot for the Brawny brand, known for his clean-shaven, flannel-shirted, and rugged appearance.
The brawny man had no wits judging by his latest SAT score.
A brawny man emerges from behind her hanging clothes.
Being brawny, smart and productive is the aim of every knowledge acquired.
The brawny fireman heroically flipped the burning car onto its side.
The Inventor Of Brawny Paper Towels is Arthur Scott in 1970!
I would go with Brawny. Some people may go with Bounty. Bounty is a ship. Brawny is a lumber jack. Brawny would chop that ship to bits.
I prefer Scott because when Brawny gets wet it leaves behind little pieces.
Scott brawny bounty