Wet floor signs can be purchased from a variety of stores. One can purchase them from a local building center, and from retailers like Home Depot, Green Depot, Office Depot, Staples, Target, Amazon, and eBay.
form_title= Wet Floor Sign form_header= Ensure there are no slips with a wet floor sign! Will the signs be used indoors?* () Yes () No () Not Sure How many signs do you need?* = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, More than 10} How often will you use the signs?* = _
On the internet you can find many sites that sell wet floor signs. Here is a few to start with 1.Amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_14?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=wet+floor+sign&sprefix=wet+floor+sign 2. Staples: http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/StaplesSearch?searchkey=wet+floor+signs&storeId=10001&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&fromUrl=home 3: Janilink: http://www.janilink.com/wet-floor-sign/category-html
Wet floor signs are always yellow because that color is very eye-catching and will alert the oncomer of a spill. Yellow signifies to be careful. That's why school buses are also yellow.
Whenever the floor is wet it is required to make sure you put up a wet floor sign. This will help prevent any legal issues in case of falls.
Normally floor signs can be purchased at retailers who cater to businesses. Specifically, northern tool and restaurant depot, if you are shopping on-line there is a site called monsterjanitorial.com.
that the floor is wet
Large bright yellow wet floor caution signs are best for preventing injuries and they can be easily made from wood, door hinges and yellow paint and letter stenciled on them. You are less likely to be held liable if you post the more commonly used professional looking signs.
Buying bulk orders of certain equipment can be difficult to find. The best place to find these signs by bulk is the website Restaruantequipment.com.
You can find a Caution Wet Floor sign at your local Wal-Mart. They are fairly priced there, as well. Wal-Mart also carries other signs you might could use for your store.
wet suit, wet paint, wet floor.
A caution is an important warning given generally for safety reasons. An example of a caution is a wet floor sign on a wet floor. The caution is there to inform people the floor is wet to prevent falls.
You can go on fastsigns.com to find some floor signs or even amazon.com. Expect to pay about $20-$25 for the signs.