There are a lot of sites where you can find great examples of free clip art. One of the sites with the best all-around clips is You do have to download the clip art in order to use it.
A person can find designed clip art at Clipart-Design, Template Monster, and JW Illustrations. A person can also find designed clip art at Rival Art and All Free Download.
clip art comes free with Microsoft word learn how to use it and life may become a little easier for you.
There are a few places on the internet to locate free clip art. Morguefile has some free basic clip art that can help you in your quest to find free clip art.
Holiday clip art can be found on many of the same sites traditional clip art is located on. Sites like Webweaver's Free Easter Clip Art and Hella's Multimedia provide unique locations for these types of images.
Christmas Graphics Plus is a great site for some free holiday clip art. Google images also contains a number of different Christmas clip arts. Another good website to check out is Open Clip Art.
go to ur second favorite question place ( assuming your first is SO wikianswers) and type in free clip art into the search bar... i found that by using to search for clipart it worked better than the leading ones like google (but it still will never come close to a website like wikianswers)... You can find free clip art at Everything there is completely free to use for non-profit.
You can find free clip art for a Mac,makeuseof, or myfirstmac websites. They have any clip art you could need for Mac.
One can find free Masonic clip art on the internet. You can go on google images, bing images, yahoo images, and so on. You can also find free Masonic clip art at your local art store.
There are a few different places one can find a free download of smiley face clip art. One of the best is at Free Clip Art, a site dedicated to the subject.
You can find free fireworks clip art through websites such as Clipart Graphics, Webweavers Free Clip Art, and Free Clip Art Store. If you are currently using a Mac you can also check the drawing related programs to see if they come installed with clip art.
One can find basketball clip art on many free websites around the web. Classroom clip art will give you the options you need to get free basketball clip art
There are lots of website where you can find a magnifying glass as a free icon. One particular clip art website is called Open Clip Art where you can find millions of images of whatever you need for free.