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There is a website called 5 Love Languages where the love language test is available to take. Even Oprah took part in this fad and took the test recently.

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Q: Where can one take a love language test?
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What is a love language test?

There are 5 romantic (love) languages, they are Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian, and Italian. There are tests online that people can take that match you with one of those 5 languages.

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The original language of "love" does not have a specific origin or language associated with it. Love is a universal concept that transcends language barriers and can be expressed in any language. French, Portuguese, and Spanish are all romantic languages that are commonly associated with expressing love.

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Love has the same meaning, no matter which language it is. Love is the infatuation of one person to another, or one person to a thing.

How do you translate 'love' into Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of love is dragoste or iubire.Dragoste is one Romanian equivalent of 'love'. Iubireis another. The speaker can't go wrong with whichever one of the two that's = dragoste, iubireThe Romanian language equivalent of love is dragosteor iubire.

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The Classics Admission Test, or CAT, covers three subject areas that test your knowledge of the classical languages. They are Latin Translation, Greek Translation, and Classics Language Aptitude Test. You don't have to take all three tests, but must take one or two depending on your program's requirements.

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The love test uses an algorithm to "match" you with one of your Facebook friends. It has little, if any, scientific or real-life basis.

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i love one direction;)

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