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There are several credit cards that offer no APR. Some of these cards include the Citi Simplicity Card, Capital One Venture One, and the Citi Diamond Preferred Card.

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Q: Where can one receive a no APR credit card?
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Where can one receive 0 percent on their credit card?

There are a number of different credit card companies that offer 0 percent APR credit cards. Some of the companies that offer 0 percent APR are Capital One and Discover.

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Where can one get a zero percent apr credit card?

One can get a zero percent apr credit card by going to the Credit Cards website. The website offers a number of credit cards deals including ones that have zero percent apr.

What does APR stand for in reference to a credit card?

APR stands for annual percentage rate in reference to a credit card. An annual percentage rate is the rate companies or banks charge when one uses a credit card.

What is a credit card transfer offer?

A credit card transfer offer is when you transfer your balance from one credit card to another, and get a lower APR as a result. For instance, Capital One might offer 0% APR if you transfer the balance from say, your Wells Fargo card to your Capital One card.

Where can one apply for a credit card with a low APR?

There are many credit cards that have a low APR (Annualized Percentage Rate). To apply, one can visit a financial institution or even apply for one through the credit card site.

Where can one find a 0 percent APR credit card?

A great place to start searching for a 0% APR credit card is Get Rich Slowly's article on the best 0% APR credit cards of 2013. They compare the various 0% APR credit cards to show the benefits or disadvantages of each.

Where can one get approved for an APR credit card?

"Just like any other credit card, one can apply on line or at your bank and/or any bank. But just like any other credit card it depends on your credit history and there is no way to say whether or not you can get approved 100% on an APR credit card as the same standards apply to it as do to any credit card."

Where can one obtain a 0 APR introduction credit card in Alberta?

The only place that routinely gives an APR of 0% as an introductory credit card is Capital One. You can also ask your current bank for a good deal if you have a good credit rating.

Where can one find a 0 APR balance transfer credit card?

There are a number of online websites where one can find a zero APR balance transfer credit card. Some of these websites include Discover, Citi, and Nationwide.

Where is it possible to get credit cards with low APR?

There are several places where a person can get a credit card with a low APR. Websites such as Capitol One, American Express, Bank of America, and Discover all have credit cards with low APR.

What are the names of some credit cards offering 0 percent APR?

Most 0% APR credit card offers are for balance transfers from one credit card to another. This is a smart option if you are looking to pay down your credit card debt. Some credit cards that offer this benefit are Capital One Platinum, Discover It, and the Citi Diamond Preferred card.