One can purchase travel suitcases from a variety of different sources. The most common stores that sell travel suitcases include Amazon, Walmart, Sears, Kmart and Target.
There are several places where a person can purchase a lightweight suitcase. Stores such as Sears, Macy's, Target, and Walmart all sell lightweight suitcases.
There are three major sites on the web that enable people to purchase replacement luggage wheels for their suitcases. These sites are Amazon, Hardware Elf, and eBay.
I did not find any suitcases with fingerprint locks available for purchase.
Purchasing children's suitcases (or just suitcases in general) can be done in many different places. You typical mall should have them. Amazon is also a great place to shop if you wish to do so online!
There are many places where one can purchase a Michelin Guide for traveling. One can purchase a Michelin Guide for traveling at popular on the web sources such as Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
Top Travel Luggage Reviews is a blog written all about luggage, including Antler and their suitcases. It gets down to the nitty gritty on how well the luggage works during traveling situations.
There are a number of websites where one can purchase train tickets in Italy prior to traveling. One can purchase them from 'ItaliaRail', 'Rail Europe' and 'InterRail'.
There are many places where one would be able to purchase bags for their laptops. One would be able to purchase these laptop cases on shopping websites such as Amazon or eBay.
Suitcases come in various sizes therefor it would depend on their sizes.
Antler suitcases can be purchased from a variety of websites including the official UK and US Antler websites and the Australian Bagworld website. Numerous stores are located throughout the UK, and can be found via the UK website. A list of worldwide dealers can also be found there.