"It is possible to be a part of an online Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. One can use forums, e-mail, text chats or audio/video chats to speak with fellow members without meeting in person."
You can find online Alcoholics Anonymous meetings by visiting the official AA website and looking for virtual meeting resources. There are also other platforms such as InTheRooms.com that offer virtual AA meetings. Make sure to verify the meeting's authenticity and follow the guidelines for online anonymity and privacy.
You may join AA through your local chapter or online by visiting Alcoholics Anonymous' website where you may also find out where local meetings are taking place near you. AA can also be joined by searching your telephone book or checking with religious organizations in your area.
There are several places you can go for help. You can check into local rehabilitation clinics, join AA (alcoholics anonymous) meetings, or even contact your local health department for further support help.
Yes, if both your parents are alcoholics, you are a lot more likely to develop alcoholism. You can change your lifestyle to avoid alcohol, join a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or consult with a therapist.
Everyone can join Alcoholics Anonymous for free. If you are military veteran, the rehab centers are available at no charge.
Over Eaters Anonymous is for all people who have some sort of problem with food. The meetings are there to help those who are compulsive overeaters and those with binge eating disorder. It can also be for bulimics and anorexics.
You cannot cure alcoholism.If the person really wants to quit then he/she can join a local rehab and the group will help you quit. See the Related Link. Alcoholics Anonymous is a world-wide group which helps alcoholics. There are other such organisations. Some, such as Moderation Management promote moderate consumption.
If we knew that, they wouldn't be anonymous
One can go to an online narcotics meeting while being anonymous by connecting to various forums. You can also join chat rooms that are built for narcotics discussion.
Weight Watchers will sometimes give a free trial, but yes you do have to join to learn their diet plan and have online access and also to attend meetings.
Some people stop drinking on their own. Others join Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Some use other 12 step programs. The most successful in quitting use the non-12-step St. Jude program.
You choose when you register to vote. Visit their websites so you can join clubs or attend meetings.
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