The Party Hardcore website would be the first choice to watch such videos, Care should be taken with sites such as this as they are not suitable for underage visitors and some people might find their contents offensive.
An individual searching for hardcore dancing videos to watch has several different options available to them online varying from major video sites to more specialized dancing sites. The major video site is YouTube. One can also watch hardcore dancing videos at Vimeo, Metacafe, and Reddit just to list a few.
There are many places where one can watch videos online that feature hard hits in football. One looking to watch videos online that feature hard hits on football should visit popular on the web sources such as ESPN and YouTube.
Prague, Czech Republic
Chris Savage
The best access to NHL hard hits videos are on YouTube. There are hundreds are videos just by searching NHL hard hits. ESPN's website is also always a good place to look when searching for anything sports related, including videos.
If you don't have a hard drive, that may be the problem.
Is this a clever reference to something? If not, it raises even more questions...
ROKU is a device that allows you to play Netfilx videos. Unfortunately it's not a hard drive. It only streams videos. The cool thing about this device is, you can stream directly to your television and it's High definition video output is a big PLUS if you want to watch a good quality movie. If you wanted to keep the films you watch, perhaps you can hook it up to a capture card on your PC and save all the videos you watch to a hard disk or library. I hope this answers your question. Cheers! Marsh
Obviously, kids are annoying, they talk weird and hard to understand. Why watch their videos anyway?! STUPID.
Its quite hard to explain, you should look on the internet for instructions or go on youtube and watch instruction videos!