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There are many places where one can get a charge credit card. One can visit their financial institution to see if they are currently eligible for a credit card. One may also apply for a credit card from numerous online credit card websites.

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No the physical card is not required to charge to your credit card account. All they need is the credit card number and back code. So yes they can charge things to your card.

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What is the charge on my credit card?

The charge on your credit card is the amount of money that has been deducted from your available credit limit for a purchase or transaction.

How can I stop a charge on my credit card?

To stop a charge on your credit card, you should contact your credit card company immediately and report the unauthorized charge. They will guide you through the process of disputing the charge and potentially issuing a refund.

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Credit Cards are a type of charge card. American Express is a charge card brand that offers both credit and debit cards. It depends on the account type of the person using it.

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A credit card hold is a temporary authorization of funds on a credit card, while a charge is the actual transaction where the funds are deducted from the card.

How can I stop the charge when I can't recognize that charge in my credit card account?

Contact your bank or credit card company.

Can a company charge your credit card without your permission?

No, a company can not charge a credit card without permission. This violation should be reported immediately to your credit card company.

How can I block a charge on my credit card?

To block a charge on your credit card, you should contact your credit card company immediately and report the unauthorized charge. They will guide you through the process of disputing the charge and potentially blocking it from being processed.

What is a sentence for charge?

I will charge the clothes to my credit card.