If one is looking to find the rates for hotels for AAA members one can find the rates directly on the AAA website. The prices are discounted for members of the AAA.
Mostly you won't find actual coupons for hotels, but you can find cheaper rates through websites like travelocity.com or priceline.com. Also, some hotels offer discounts for AAA members, senior citizens, military members, etc.
"Some hotels that offer discounts to AAA members are Best Western Suites, LaQuinta Inn and Suites, and Fairfield Inn and Suites. Drury Inn and Suites also offers discounts to AAA members."
We got a good discount at Day's Inn in Lost Hills, CA. It was more than either the AAA or AARP discount.
The Best Western on W48th St and the Marriot Marquis on Broadway both offer a discount on the best available rate for AAA members. You can visit the AAA website and search for a list of hotels that participate.
A person can find affordable hotels through AAA. One can also find cheap hotels through websites like Expedia, Hotels, Trivago, Travelocity and Kayak.
"Yes, Arizona hotels offering AAA discounts may be found using the hotel search on AAA's website and by calling your local AAA office. Many travel websites also provide AAA rates for comparison purposes."
AAA membership has many advantages and that includes discounts. Members can enjoy discounts on Disneyland tickets, hotels and other large attractions.
One can find information about AAA car rentals on the official AAA website. The website provides car rental rates and information about renting a car.
AAA Hotels are used for discounts. These discounts are only available through this website and are not offered over the phone when you call these hotels.
Finding CD with high rates and AAA rating may be found here: www.FISN.com/Highest-CD-Rates-Today
AAA, Geico, and esurance offer affordable rates for auto insurance.
You can find cheap rates for Caribbean cruises on travel and booking websites such as Travelocity, Kayak, or AAA.