Where do you find glycerin in the stores?
Glycerin is a colorless liquid used in soaps, skin treatments,
cooking, animal care, crafts, and fine arts. It can be purchased at
pharmacies (including big chains like Walmart or Target) in small
quantities. Or, it can be found in bulk online or at certain supply
stores. The source of this information, and more details are
available at the eHow article linked below.
In addition, vegetable glycerin, which has a rich oily texture,
is a hypoallergenic glycerin derived entirely from vegetable oil
(non-vegetable glycerin is usually derived from pork or other
animal fats). All glycerin with a "USP" (United States
Parmacopoeia) mark is safe for food and cosmetic purposes.
Vegetable glycerin can be purchased online at the Netrition link