One may find information about disaster recovery systems from "Disaster Assistance". This is a government run website which helps inform people about different disaster recovery systems.
One can find information on computer disaster recovery systems online at informational sites like Wikipedia. Information can also be found at a website called Computer Arm.
There are many disaster recovery templates which one may find suitable on the TechRepublic and the Disaster Recovery websites. Information is included with each template.
You can find information on disaster recovery and business continuity online at the Disaster Recovery World website. Once on the website, you can business impact and risk analysis and learn how to create a disaster plan.
You can find information on how to design a network disaster recovery plan by researching online resources, attending training workshops or seminars, consulting with IT professionals specializing in disaster recovery, and referencing industry best practices and guidelines from organizations like FEMA or NIST. Additionally, many books and whitepapers on the subject are available for further insights.
There are two excellent guides with information on business disaster recovery plans available. The first is the US Government guide to emergency planning. The second is the SBA Guide to disaster planning.
More information about disaster recovery testing is available at the official optimal networks site. They are always updating there site and they show individuals the testing process step by step.
The Red Cross website is a good place to look for information on disaster recovery planning. They have details on how to plan for factors such as staying safe after a disaster and recovering both emotionally and financially.
There are many sites where someone can look to find information pertaining to gold recovery. Websites such as, gold refining systems, and gold fever prospecting, have information pertaining to gold recovery.
CIO is a website that one can use to find information on disaster recovery in a business to maintain the continuity. The website provides a variety of questions and answers that one can browse to find further detailed information on topics that would be covered for such a matter.
There are many sites that can be accessed to find comparable information on discover recovery software. These include Download, CNET, and Consumer Reports, among others.
There is a lot of disaster recovery plan software. Kingsbridge offers the KingsBridge Shield, Vision Solutions provides DoubleTake RecoverNow and Sungard offers Continuity Management Solution.