Information about naturist massages may be found at HubPages, Medicine Net and Massage Nerd. More information may be found at the Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy.
No but there is a naturist swim google "naturist swim ireland" and you will find one.
One can find information about Swedish massages from local massage courses, or by visiting online websites dedicated to teaching massage techniques. Swedish massages are very popular.
There are a wide variety of online sites that provide information on receiving Indian head massages. For example, the web domains "Health24" and "EmbodyForYou" have such information.
There are a lot of websites that provide information about full body massages like Dailymotion and Massage Envy. One could also go to a local spa and ask for information about body massages there.
The proper terms these days are : Naturist Resort Naturist Club (either one that is located somewhere or that has meetings in different special locations). Naturist Beach Naturist Park (Nudist still is used but the other term is more accepted now.) Some countries even have Naturist Cities. (Just dont call it The Naked City or you'll see some frowns!)
The best way to view reviews of businesses is by visiting the website called Spahunters. They give you information and discounts on massages and spa treatments.
France is known for having one of the largest naturist populations per head of population in the world. With over 2 million naturists, France has a strong naturist culture and an abundance of naturist resorts and beaches.
Getting one returned.
One can find information on Kumuka Worldwide on the official Kumuka website. There one can find information and contact details for the company. One can also find information on their Facebook page.
One can find more information about culling on Wikipedia where they have much information on the procedure and how it is implemented. One can also find information on 'HowStuffWorks'.
One can find information on the covariance matrix on the Wikipedia website where there is much information about the mathematics involved. One can also find information on Mathworks.