While it is certainly possible to obtain information on credit card balance transfers from a financial institution, one may prefer an objective point of view. Most reputable financial magazines and their website counterparts offer detailed information on transferring credit card balances. Consumer driven finance management sites are also a good source of information, but a plethora of advertising and a push to apply for credit can be red flags, so read with skepticism.
There are many credit cards that offer free balance transfers. Credit cards such as the 'Discover it Card' and 'Citi Diamond Preferred card' offer free balance transfers.
Some good examples of credit cards used for balance transfers are Citi Bank and Capital one. These cards offer low or no rates with account transfers.
The credit cards that offer low interest balance transfers are from Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase. There are many credit cards that offer 0% interest.
There are a few websites where one can learn about balance transfers on TD credit cards. One can find information on the TD Canada Trust website and one can see the latest balance transfer rates on the USwitch website.
The following cards offer no or low interest for 6 to 12 months on balance transfers. http://clicky.me/balance-transfers
There are many options available for those looking for credit cards that can balance transfers. Visa and MasterCard both offer balance transfer cards through many different institutions.
Companies that offer the best credit cards for balance transfers include NerfWallet and moneysupermarket. Both websites offer all kinds of credit cards which are rated with the best ratings in the world.
When you do a balance transfer, you move the amount you owe from one credit card to another. By doing this, you can save money on interest since the following cards offer no or low interest for 6 to 12 months on balance transfers. http://clicky.me/balance-transfers
There are a variety of credit cards that offer good balance transfers to people. Some of these cards include: Slate from Chase, Citi Simplicity card, Discover it, and Capital One Platinum Prestige.
A person can find information on how to make transfers between credit cards on the individual credit card's own website. Each website will have a specific section devoted to transfers.
Bankrate.com has a good website that shows you best interest rates and best credit cards. Go to the site, then go to credit cards. Then click on best for balance transfers.
There are many credit cards offering low interest balance transfers. For instance, certain credit cards by American Express, Capitol One, and Discover have great low interest balance transfer rates.