There are a a number of websites that sell or have information about the rifle "Gilboa". Including but not limited to "slickguns" and their own website, "Gilboa-rifle".
One can find plenty of information about gun shows on websites such as "Showmasters", "Cross Roads Gun Shows", "Gun Show Trader" or "East Man Gun Show".
You can find information on how to make a gun online on Youtube and also at Wikihow. You can learn to make a 22 pistol and also you can even learn how to make a machine gun.
Information can be found about the gun dog from breeders, certain organisations and books. One has to be aware that a gun dog is a working dog and will need lots of simulation if it is being keep as a pet.
Knife shows are most of the time being shown with most Gun shows. One can find some information about knife shows online at Gun Show, Great Southern Gun Show, Blade Show, Mi Gun Shows, Gibraltar Trade and Gun Show Trader.
One can find information about MP5K online via a number of websites. Information can be found on Wikipedia including the history and specification of the gun and on the 'Gunbroker' site.
Somebody can find the latest information on the gun control debate from US News, Forbes, Policymic, Guardian and ABC News websites. One can find news on the rights and reports regarding gun control from these sites.
There are a few places where one can obtain information on a Hugh Hastings 10 gauge shotgun. Information on this gun can be found through gun value books or through local gun dealers.
One can find more information on the M1A rifle on Wikipedia. There are also videos about this type of rifle on YouTube and one can buy it from the 'Gun Broker' website.
Somewhere on the internet this information would be available for one if they so desired. There are probably videos on YouTube, showing one how to do this.
One can find information regarding Stack-On Gun Safes via the CalGuns website. One may also purchase a Stack-On Gun Safe via the Amazon website, where one can read reviews before making a purchase on selected items.
Depending on the manufacturer, many will. give you detailed information on your gun just for writing to them. There are many resources available on the internet for gun information but there is not one that has all manufacturers. A good gunsmith would have books and other resources to help also.
There are several companies that put out 'Champions' catalogs. To find out about the Champion's Aerospace catalog, one can go to the Aircraft Spruce site. Or to find out about the Champion Gun Safe, one can go to the Lone Star Gun Safes site.