There are a few websites where someone can find detailed schematic gun pictures. Some examples of websites where someone can look are Forbes, AR15, and Take Down Guides.
You will have to provide the name of who made it and what model for anyone to be able to begin to help.
You might try Numrich Gun Parts Corp.If they have parts,then they may have a schematic for the firearm in question.
send couple of pictures
Gun catalogs
Go to Numrich Gun Parts Corp.they should have what you seek.
Try egunparts, on line auctions, gun shops, gun shows.
Blue Book of Gun Values is one.
You might find one at a gun shop, gun show or at
Try, gun shows, gun shops, on line searches, want ads.
Numrich has a gun parts website. Best bet for any gun parts or schematics...
Try egunparts, gun show, gun shop.
Try a want ad or a gun show.